
your favorite shoee?

ahhh a veryyy discussful topic.

my favorite shoe would probablyy nikess.

as far as model shoe?

ill give it to dunks & blazers.

hmm...now around my school ive noticed just more and more girls wearingg "flats"i guess its what use call it?

yea idk..any how it bloxx there toes so its gud for my partt kuz i kant fux wit a gurl wit ugly toes so the hole flat thing iss good...its a mysteryyy for them goosebump givers you got hidingg under there lol.

nikes are definetlyy favored evryy dayy..the mostt used nike shoe at my school is the nike uptown..i sware atleast every dayy 10 ppl wear uptowns with a hollister or aeropostale shirt.

theres nothing wrong with it but..i just dont get whats so nice about uptowns.

there soooo fukin plain..personally to me there ugly..but then again not everyone thinx like me & thats perfectly fine.
another shoe i see alot are timberlands...everyone wears tims..especially those ugly ass field boots..then the butters.

moving on to a shoe i almost have pure hatred for...jordanss.

everyyyy bodyy wheres those cornyy tru flights?

theyy are soo uglyy the remind me of like a fucking milatary jet because the front side mid-sole stix out so dam farr.

main pointt is whatever your wearingg make sure its what you wear..not what your bff told you, you should get em.

meeting old friendsss

you everr go out in public...whether it be movies..mall what ever you do..& you meet one of your old friends..you ever notice the conversation gets shut down real quick?
like how you been..gud been doin blah blah blah..then you or they say somthing from the last thing they remember you of.

like hey..u still liv on ______?

lol its weird...but i like reconnectingg with old faces..gives me a sense of well-being in a wayy just because its been so long & they remember all these pointless little things that you wuda thought they wudnt ever care about knowingg.

this was a quickk thought..jus hada let it seep

sex after darkk?

hmmm...tough questionn.?

i've had my share of after dark & daytimee

& personally sex after dark beats everythingg...especially if your the type to not get tired late at nite like my self...a good girl thats not lazyy...thats what i call heaven on a regular boringg nite.

like..having sexx in the dayy time...like your cuddy buddy/ lover comes home with you after school..& yous hang out..take it upstairs & start havinn it.

yea same feeling as nite time...but one thing you cant do in daytime then nite is make love.

that meaningg foreplayy etcc.

ive eatenn pussy numerous times...i prefer & like it after 10ishh.

in the daytime..its just weirdd...like theres no negative side to it..but the weirdness.

but at nite time...it goes by its sayingg "the freaks come out at nite" lol

ive done a girl in daytime, then i had experience with her at nite...daytime she tends to be more grumpyy..but then its like as nite falls jus at the snap of fingerss shes ready for itt.

& at this age any guy is pretty much readdy at anytime of the dayy...throw me a condom & a 1 hour window of time with a room ill make shit happen.

i sayy 1 hour bkuz anything less to me is considered a quickyy & i hate thosee.

i usually goo for the 2 hour markk.

but if yourr guna hump a guy/gurl your bestt bete is 2 catch em at nite.

nothing beats lites outt & beingg a hard freak with surprises every minute theyy love itt =D.

irritationnall from the femaless

ouchie ouch ouch...been awhile..but ill be on every now and then..maybe back to the daily shit..idkk

but as far as us guyss goe...ive noticed like this pattern..i really have.

if a guy has dirty shoes on...girls pay less attention to them then they would with a clean pay

now not me..kuzz i get gurls eyeballs anywayy..=p..plus i hate dirtyyy shoes so it adds up.

but ive noticed just walking around school & looking at what girls look at after they look at me[lol] sike na..but ive noticedd that alot of ppl have fucked up shoes..this mainly being related to the male gender.

& girls simply walk by...& if its from a distance like there walking up & your walking down the hole time they will stare at your outfit..like me for example ive noticed id walk down a hall wayy..there eyes go str8 to my shoes..then my jeens...then my belt...then my shirt.

its almost like a checklist..ok kleen shoes[x], tight pants[x], matching & clean shirt[x].

but when you have a dirty pair on its juts like there eyes flow down there then str8 to your face & awayy.

so therefore most of my readers aint dudes..but for the 1s that do read...make sure ur sneakers arent dirtyy..if not ask mommy for a new pair or shoe cleaner.

reason why this is irritatingg id say for a guyy wit fuked up sneaks is..basically your judging him on his attire.

now me...i dont care..u noe me, u noe me..u dont, u dont..either wayy ill sleep just fine.

but us guys like to show off..whether it be 1 guy more then another...we all show off to catch attention from the fine 1s lol.

& for the guys that have fucked up sneakers its just gotta be like dam...i kant walk up & spit game @ her with my gym shoes on lmfao.

thatss all
